Fruit Vendor
A localization vendor management game designed to help players learn the ins and outs of localization vendor management. Pick vendors that suit the needs of different projects, but watch out for Bad Apples!

It really put things into perspective, and the more rounds we did the more I was able to automatically consider work performance, specializations, education in the field, and price in a more efficient way. Very useful exercise and great practice for aspiring LVM’s!
After every round, we had a good discussion about why the judge chose the card they did. I think this discussion was the most beneficial part of this game, and it was interesting that we always agreed with the judge. Thank you for creating this game, it is very creative and an interesting simulation of reality!
It was interesting how we took into account the type of client and how that would affect whether price would be a huge factor. We also put thought into whether “Native speaker” or “Native dialect” were issues, based on the topic.